What is ACP?
When there are unfilled shifts on your unit, the hospital should post those shifts with the NRO. You get an additional $125 on top of any applicable OT rate when you sign up to work ACP shifts. See page 41 of our collective bargaining agreement (CBA) for more information.
What was the problem?
Management was not posting ACP shifts for any units in MEETH, any units in LHGV, and most of the perioperative division at LHH. Instead, managers in these areas had their own methods for supplementing staffing. Some NMs reached out directly to unit staff, some NMs contacted staff from other units, and some NMs simply relied on flex staff to fill shortages. Some NMs even refused to allow staff to sign up for overtime shifts while they were on vacation, which is another contract violation. (See page 40 of our CBA.)
Why does this matter?
The hospital is contractually required to offer overtime (including ACP shifts) to our members, before they utilize flex staff (page 43 of our CBA).
Additionally, ACP shifts should be filled from within the unit first, before being opened up to the rest of the bargaining unit.
How did this get resolved?
NYPNU filed a class action grievance to compel the hospital to comply with our CBA and offer ACP shifts to all units in all facilities. We won the grievance. But the hospital dragged its feet on actually implementing the remedy. So NYPNU delegates voted to take this case to arbitration. Just over a week before the arbitration date, hospital management asked to meet with NYPNU leadership to review the case.
This week, the hospital implemented the remedy we requested. For the first time, ACP shifts include MEETH, LHGV, and all of LHH periop.
How can I see available shifts?
ACP shifts are posted in the NRO, located on the 2nd floor of LHH.
We also post weekly ACP shifts on our website. Make sure you are logged in to the member portal to access this information.