Winchell Regio
I am a Lenox Hill RN and a proud NYPNU member for more than 20 years now. I am currently working in CCU/5 East. Through the years I have seen how the union has protected and advocated for the rights of the nurses.
We had some challenging times with our management team a couple of years ago. The workplace became a toxic environment for the nurses. We had managers who were disrespecting our rights and challenging our integrity as professionals. The union advocated for us and made sure that the nurses were protected and our rights enforced. NYPNU has stood with us every step of the way, up to the very end.
This prompted me to be more involved with the union. I’ve realized how important it is to have somebody stand up for you when your integrity and security is being threatened.
The hospital has gone through a lot of changes over the last 20 years. The one thing has remained the same is the union’s dedication to safeguard the nurses rights and protect the our welfare. I am very grateful that we have a union that is strong and proactive.