Monday, 9am & 2pm: Fight for New Rights in a New Contract! Join the NYPNU CCC

Contract Campaign Committee: Inaugural Meeting

Open to all NYPNU members!
Monday, September 17
9am - 10am
2pm - 3pm
Location TBA.

Choose the time that's convenient for you!


Ready to fight for higher wages, new rights, and nurses' power in a new contract?

Curious about the up-to-the-minute state of negotiations between our fellow-nurses on the union's Bargaining Committee and Northwell?

Have ideas for ways to win justice this contract?

New NYPNU member looking to learn more about the union?

Eager to learn ways to build your co-workers' strength on the hospital floor day-to-day?

Join the NYPNU Contract Campaign Committee [The CCC]!

Together, we'll help to plan this fight and shape it.

Our first meeting:

Contract Campaign Committee: Inaugural Meeting

Open to all NYPNU members!
Monday, September 17
9am - 10am
2pm - 3pm
Location TBA.

Choose the time that's convenient for you!

Location to be announced!  RSVP so that we can send you the location when it's ready.

See you soon, fellow nurses!


September 17, 2018 at 9:00am - 10am
Joel Feingold · · 608-201-9345

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