Snow Storm Expected This Weekend

We're expecting to be hit by a nor'easter this weekend. Make sure you know your rights and proper protocols!

Plus, how to sign up for a free hotel room...

A "quick-hitting" nor'easter is expected to dump up to a foot of snow on NYC this weekend (likely Friday evening into Saturday), with even higher amounts predicted in Long Island and Connecticut.


If you are scheduled to work during the storm, and in spite of making every effort, find yourself unable to get to work due to closed roads and/or shutdown of public transportation, we advise you to call the nursing office to let them know the snow is impeding your commute.

Do NOT say you're calling out sick, unless, of course, you ARE sick. When the ECP (Emergency Conditions Plan) is in affect, you may be required to produce a doctor's note if you call out sick. 


Our contract protects you from being forced to work mandatory overtime. You are NEVER required to work overtime. If you are forced to stay because there is no one available to take report, or for any other reason, please report this using the NYPNU violation reporter. 

We do encourage nurses who are able to sign up for voluntary overtime shifts. 


The hospital has secured hotel rooms - at no charge to RNs. 

Use this link to request a room (***note the instructions below)


How to use the link above: the employee must use their same log in and password they use to get into the LHH/MEETH/LHGV network. If you are at work tonight or tomorrow - it is likely far easier to access this link while at work.

  • The link may be accessed from home as long as the employee is logged into the VPN (virtual private network).
  • If you cannot log in: Call your manager to submit the hotel request on your behalf and have the manager change the reservation name directly with the hotel.
  • If you can successfully log in: in order to submit a request, an employee must click on menu bar to the left and click on “Hotel Request Form”.  The employee must complete the information requested.
    • Request reason “Winter Storm” is available and should be selected. The “Submit Request” button will kick off the review process.
    • Once an employee submits the request, it must be approved by the manager. Once approved by the site, a reservations request will be sent directly to the hotel. The hotel will reach out to the employee for confirmation.

Stay safe!

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